Pure Pectus: Raising the Bar in Pectus Excavatum Repair

Pure Pectus: Raising the Bar in Pectus Excavatum Repair

At KLS Martin, surgical innovation is our passion. Through partnership and collaboration with healthcare professionals, we worked to advance the Minimally Invasive Repair of Pectus Excavatum (MIRPE) procedure, revolutionizing the standard of care through enhanced stability and improved implant materials. Minimally Invasive Repair of Pectus Excavatum reduces operating time while decreasing blood loss, allowing for a quicker return to activity for these patients.

Connector Bars

Various sizes of connector bars enable multiple pectus bars to be connected to create a single, stable construct. The screws are permanently retained in the connector bars for patient safety and ease of use.

Optimized Implant Materials

Optimized Implant Materials

The KLS Martin Pure Pectus implants use titanium, a safer option for patients with specific metal allergies. Straight and angled pectus bars made of commercially pure titanium improve the bending experience without compromising implant strength. Connector bars, crafted from a titanium alloy, offer enhanced stability without requiring intraoperative contouring.




Pre-contoured straight and angled bars allow for construct versatility during pectus repair. The angled bar allows for a compact implant footprint and smaller incision while using multiple bars, minimizing palpability.



Designed to adapt to any situation, our instrumentation is seamlessly integrated into our pectus implant system for streamlined usability. Our instruments were crafted with precision and ease of use in mind, creating an efficient workflow in the operating room.

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