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Legal merger

Our life dream comes true

"With the legal merger of our three remaining large German companies Gebrüder Martin, Karl Leibinger Medizintechnik and KLS Martin in Freiburg into one company, our lifelong dream becomes reality - we are finally also one company on paper and will be known as such from November 1, 2023.


KLS Martin SE & Co. KG

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our employees and our partners for their full commitment and great attachment to our company. Without them, the fulfillment of our lifelong dream would not have been possible."

Karl and Christian Leibinger

Milestones on the way to becoming one company

127 years after Ludwig Leibinger founded our first group company, we are celebrating the biggest milestone in our corporate history to date and, at the same time, the fulfillment of Karl and Christian Leibinger's lifelong dream. Here we give you an insight into our historical milestones from the perspective of the Leibinger family on the way to becoming one company.

Foundation of the first company of the group in Mühlheim an der Donau.

Karl Leibinger's great-grandfather founds a watchmaking business and names it after his son Karl Leibinger. He soon concentrates on the manufacture of surgical instruments.

By the way: the doubling of the name is no coincidence, but comes from a family tradition. Thus, the men of the Leibinger family always alternate between the first names Ludwig and Karl. The Leibingers are now running our company in the 4th and 5th generation. Ludwig Leibinger - Karl Leibinger - Ludwig Leibinger - Karl Leibinger - Christian Leibinger. Even if it doen not look like it at first glance, Christian Leibinger also keeps up the tradition. His second name is Ludwig.


Merger with six other medical technology companies and joint sales via Gebrüder Martin

Karl Leibinger Medizintechnik joins forces with six other medical technology manufacturers in the Tuttlingen area to compete against larger competitors. From now on, the manufacturers' products are distributed via Gebrüder Martin. The merger results in a complex shareholder structure with many shareholders. Among the medical technology manufacturers is also the company Gebrüder Berchtold - the predecessor company of our current location in Freiburg.


Karl Leibinger joins the company

Following the sudden death of his father in an accident, Karl Leibinger joins the company as the youngest shareholder at the age of just 24. His dream is to be able to lead the company into the future on his own at some point and to shape it according to his visions.


Purchase of further company shares by the Leibinger family

Karl Leibinger starts buying the shares of the other shareholders and thus takes the first step towards fulfilling his dream.


Introduction of the KLS Martin Group umbrella brand

We introduce the umbrella brand KLS Martin Group. All our worldwide group companies now operate under this brand.

By the way: We will retain the umbrella brand KLS Martin Group worldwide even after the change of name of our three German companies to KLS Martin SE & Co. KG.


Christian Leibinger joins the company

Christian Leibinger joins the company and from then on shares his father's lifelong dream of uniting all the companies of the KLS Martin Group under one roof.


Purchase of the last shareholder shares

The purchase of the last minority shares by the Leibinger family takes place.


Legal merger of the three remaining large German companies

Finally, the three remaining German companies merge into one company also on paper and are now called KLS Martin SE & Co. KG

In addition to the change of name of the three German companies, our locations in the Netherlands, Italy and Japan are also changing their company names, so that all company location names are now unified.

  • Martin Nederland/Marned BV will then be called KLS Martin Nederland B.V.
  • Martin Italia S.r.l. will then be called KLS Martin Italia S.r.l.
  • Nippon Martin K.K. will then be called KLS Martin Japan K.K.

Our worldwide locations

The new company name KLS Martin SE & Co. KG only applies to our German locations and does not replace our umbrella brand KLS Martin Group. All worldwide group companies will continue to operate under the umbrella brand KLS Martin Group.

To the location overview

Information for customers and partners of Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We would like to inform you that Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG will officially change its company name at the latest with effect from November 1st, 2023, to

KLS Martin SE & Co. KG

This step is part of a consolidation of the KLS Martin Group, with which we are pursuing the goal of becoming ONE company in Germany. Nothing will change for you as a result of the change of name. All existing obligations and contracts of Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG will continue unchanged under the new name KLS Martin SE & Co. KG.

The change of company name does not lead to any change in the management, so you can rely on continuity in this respect. Your personal contact persons can be reached as usual under the contact data known to you. All other company data such as business address, bank details, commercial register number, tax number etc. will remain unchanged.

We thank you for the trust you have placed in us and look forward to further successful cooperation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Christian Leibinger

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