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29.02.2020 | Company

2nd Expert Meeting on Advanced Operation Techniques in Gynecology and General Surgery in Dubai

In today's electrosurgery, safe and easy handling combined with efficiency and innovative technology are among the main requirements in the operating room. For this reason, our Expert Meeting in cooperation with Sharjah University of the United Arab Emirates and the Indo German Endoscopy and Laparoscopic Society (IGELS) focused on bipolar vessel sealing.

The 40 participants received theoretical and practical insights into surgical techniques in gynecology and general surgery from Dr. med. Zorr, Director of the Hospital of Constance and PD Dr. med. Seifert from the University of Freiburg. On the first day, Dr. med. Zorr reported on possible indications and his experience in bipolar vessel sealing in gynecology, while PD Dr. med. Seifert gave an insight into bariatric surgery based on patient cases.

In addition to other specialist presentations by our Indian speakers, Dr. Rajkumar and Dr. Mohapatra, on the topics of "Experiences in the use of reusable bipolar vessel sealing instruments in radical surgical procedures including lymph node dissection" and laparoscopic gynecological procedures, a real-time surgery was also transmitted by video from the Ahana Gynaecare Hospital, Bhubaneshawar, India, to the lecture hall of Sharjah University. The guiding surgeon was Dr. Behera from the Ahana Gynaecare Hospital, Bhubaneshwar.

On the second day of the course, the participants had the opportunity to try out our maXium® electrosurgery unit in combination with our reusable vessel sealing instrument marSeal5 plus Maryland at four workstations and judge its sealing quality and blood-free cutting in Sharjah University's wet lab. During the entire practical part, the participants were supported by the experienced surgeons Dr. Rajkumar, PD Dr. med. Seifert and Dr. med. Zorr, who answered all their questions.

At the end of these two exciting days, we were able to hand out certificates to all participants.
If you would also like to take your knowledge of bipolar vessel sealing to the next level, we would be happy to advise you on suitable course offerings. Just write us an email to internet@klsmartin.com and we will respond to you.

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