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IPS Implants® and the Madelung Deformity


16.08.2022 | Company

IPS Implants® and the Madelung Deformity


Great news! From now on, we cover the challenging treatment of the Madelung deformity with IPS Implants®!

Limitation of movement, pain, striking appearance. To put it in a nutshell: The Madelung deformity caused by a growth disturbance in the forearm and characterized by an anterior-ulnar bowing of the radius and a dorsal subluxation of the distal ulna is a difficult condition for the patient.

Also, for the surgeon, the treatment is challenging. This specific indication's complex nature makes evaluating the deformity using 2-dimensional plain radiography difficult. IPS Implants® enables optimized treatment of the Madelung deformity utilizing of 3-dimensional corrective osteotomy using individualized drill and marking guides, anatomical models, and patient-specific plates.

For reconstructions involving only one forearm, the IPS® technology uses the contralateral healthy side as a reference for the 3D reconstruction. 

A different approach is required for the Madelung deformity, as the contralateral side is likewise affected by the deformity. For this indication, we use our extensive IPS® database to find a healthy reference of another patient, which is useable for the planning. Subsequently, this allows us to produce implants with the best possible fit. 

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