



There are four kindergartens in Mühlheim and Stetten, which look after a total of around 170 children: the Catholic kindergartens St. Maria and St. Josef in Mühlheim, the Protestant kindergarten, and the municipal kindergarten in the Stetten district. KLS Martin is donating 26,400 euros to them. This amount will be divided between the four kindergartens, with each facility receiving 6,600 euros.

The total amount is the rental income that the internationally active medical technology company, based in Tuttlingen and has a large development and production site in Mühlheim, has received for providing accommodation for refugees. This includes a residential building and a plot of land on which shared accommodation is currently being built.  

After being contacted by the town of Mühlheim and the district of Tuttlingen, it was clear to KLS Martin that help was needed regarding suitable buildings and land, as neither the city nor the district had any available. "However, as a family business with strong roots in the Tuttlingen district and the town of Mühlheim, it is also important to give something back to the local people and promote the locations. That's why we don't want to keep the income we generate from renting out this building and land for ourselves but rather use it for local social purposes. We have therefore decided to pass the money on to the local kindergartens, which can use it individually. Anything is conceivable, from toys and kindergarten equipment to educational purposes," says Christian Leibinger.  

The directors of the four facilities are very grateful for the donation. "For us as educators, the generous donation is a great appreciation of our educational work for the benefit of the children entrusted to us and their families. We are grateful for the additional opportunities that the donation provides."

Jörg Kaltenbach, Mayor of Mühlheim, and local head Emil Buschle also expressed their appreciation: "We are very grateful to our largest employer for this powerful contribution to strengthening our families and recognizing the outstanding work done in our kindergartens. We are also grateful for the message associated with the donation that the income from the accommodation rental for refugees benefits all citizens."

Caption (from left): Magdalena Feger, Deputy Head of the Main Office of the City of Mühlheim; Christine Dreher, Head of the Protestant kindergarten; Lina Kupferschmid, Head of the municipal kindergarten in Stetten; Andrea Rothenburg, Head of the Catholic kindergarten St. Maria; Anita Lezuch-Castiglione, Head of the Catholic kindergarten St. Josef; Karl Leibinger, honorary citizen and member of the Supervisory Board at KLS Martin; Christian Leibinger, Managing Director and Chairman of the Supervisory Board at KLS Martin; local councilor Emil Buschle; Mayor Jörg Kaltenbach as well as the children beaming with joy as the main characters. Picture source: Wilfried Waibel.

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