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Craniomaxillofacial surgery

CMF surgery
CMF - Individual Patient Solutions - IPS CMF - LevelOne Fixation CMF - Resorbable oesteosynthesis - SonicWeld Rx® CMF - Distraction - Cranial Vault Distractor

Craniomaxillofacial surgery

Severe craniomaxillofacial abnormalities not only compromise the functions of our senses, they often have psychosocial consequences: Not only do the afflicted persons suffer from functional disorders, they are often rejected by their social environment. Here we present you with everything that is essential for procedures in oral and maxillofacial surgery. From plates, meshes and screws, through to lasers and patient-specific implants.

Discover our other disciplines.
CMF surgery - Cranium


Learn more

All products cranium

CMF - IPS Implants

Individual Patient Solutions

IPS CaseDesigner®

IPS Gate®

IPS Implants®

CMF - LevelOne Fixation

Titanium osteosynthesis

LevelOne Fixation

CMF - Resorbable osteosynthesis SonicWeld Rx

Resorbable osteosynthesis

SonicWeld Rx®

CMF - Cranial Vault Distractor

Distractors and fixators


CMF - Electrosurgery

Electrosurgery units

Major electrosurgery units

Minor electrosurgery units

CMF surgery - Midface


Learn more

All products midface

CMF - IPS Implants

Individual Patient Solutions

IPS CaseDesigner®

IPS Gate®

IPS Implants®

CMF - LevelOne

Titanium osteosynthesis

LevelOne Fixation

CMF - Resorbable osteosynthesis SonicWeld Rx

Resorbable osteosynthesis

SonicWeld Rx®

CMF - RPE Distractor

Distractors and fixators


smartOne® Micro dissection needles

smartOne® Micro dissection needles

The safe and simple solution for Oral and Maxillofacial, plastic and dental surgery.

smartOne® Micro dissection needles 

CMF - Electrosurgery

Electrosurgery units

Major electrosurgery units

Minor electrosurgery units

CMF surgery - Mandible


Learn more

All products lower jaw

CMF - IPS Implants

Individual Patient Solutions


IPS CaseDesigner®

IPS Gate®

IPS Implants®

CMF - LevelOne

Titanium osteosynthesis

LevelOne Fixation

CMF - Zurich distractor

Distractors and fixators

Distractors and fixators

CMF - Electrosurgery

Electrosurgery units

Major electrosurgery units

Minor electrosurgery units

CMF surgery - Orthognatics


Learn more

All products orthognathics

CMF - IPS Implants

Individual Patient Solutions

IPS CaseDesigner®

IPS Gate®

IPS Implants®

CMF - LevelOne

Titanium osteosynthesis

LevelOne Fixation

CMF - Resorbable osteosynthesis SonicWeldRx

Resorbable osteosynthesis

SonicWeld Rx®

CMF - RPE Distractor

Distractors and fixators


CMF - Electrosurgery

Electrosurgery units

Major electrosurgery units

Minor electrosurgery units

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