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Implants and implant systems

Dental - Implants dental
Brochures Publicationen SonicWeld Rx® Resorbable osteosynthesis Patient information

SonicWeld Rx® Dental

With SonicWeld Rx® we have developed a revolutionary system for craniomaxillofacial osteosynthesis. Consistent advancement of the system resulted in interdisciplinary expansion of the application field. As a consequence, the field of dental and oral surgery benefits from the most advanced procedure in augmentation: SonicWeld Rx® Dental.


The system combines state-of-the-art ultrasonic technology with resorbable implants and thus creates so far unsurpassed three-dimensional primary stability. As all implant components are based on resorbable materials, a second procedure is not necessary - a significant advantage, particularly for patients.


Dental - SonicWeld Rx system video
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The polymers

Indications – preprosthetic augmentation

The procedure step by step

SonicWeld Rx® system

Foil, membrane and alveolar protectors


Micro SonicPins

Xcelsior water bath

Other products

TRACK distractors 

Devices for distraction of the alveolar ridge 


  • Partial defects of the mandibular and maxillar alveolar crest 
  • Periodontal diseases with severe localized bone loss 
  • Localized atrophy of the alveolar crest 


  • Distraction length: 9 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm
  • Distraction length/turn: 0.3 mm, 0.5 mm 
  • To be fixed with 1.0-mm / 1.5-mm screws


  • Available in different designs to treat all kind of alveolar defects 
  • Vector stabilizing plate to prevent tilting of the distractor body

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