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Individual Patient Solutions

IPS inSilico®

The use of innovative technologies opens up new options in patient-specific treatment. State-of-the-art simulation technologies permit us to offer aids for optimized diagnosis and therapy.

With IPS inSilico® we enable solutions for the computer-based simulation of surgical procedures, supporting diagnosis and therapy planning as well as the virtual testing of our implants. Aided by simulations, we are creating a world here in which we can make diagnoses and predict the success of therapies. In this process, we apply technologies that have been standard in other industries for decades.

IPS inSilico®

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Simulation solutions

IPS inSilico® x OSA 

IPS inSilico® x OSA 

IPS inSilico® x OSA is a web-based application that helps you diagnose OSA patients and select the best possible therapy.

More about IPS inSilico® x OSA

Simulation supports the decision-making process in patients with obstructive sleep apnea

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Indication and features

Worldwide, obstructive sleep apnea affects more than 900 million adults. We offer an application developed in cooperation with Simq that supports the diagnosis of severe snoring and OSA as well as the selection of an appropriate therapy. With the aid of a flow simulation of patient-specific airways, we enable you to localize anatomical causes and support you in deciding the best possible therapeutic measures individually for each patient.

IPS inSilico® x OSA


  • Objectivation of the diagnosis through numerical simulation of the airflow in the pharyngeal cavity
  • Identification and localization of the anatomical causes of the sleep-related breathing disorder
  • Visualization of the patient situation through physical simulation
  • Evaluation and support of the various treatment options

IPS inSilico® x OSA

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Pugachev, A., M. Arnold, S. Burgmann, U. Janoske, Á. Bicsák, D. Abel, J. Linssen, and L. Bonitz. 2020. Application of patient-specific simulation workflow for obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment with a mandibular advancement device. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 36 (8).

Arnold M., S. Burgmanna, L. Bonitz, A. Pugachevc, and U. Janoske. 2021. Experimental study on the influence of model variations on the airway occlusion of an obstructive sleep apnea patient. Journal of Biomechanics 123. 

IPS inSilico® x RPE 

IPS inSilico® x RPE 

IPS inSilico® x RPE is a software that supports you in performing surgically assisted palatal expansion. Simulation-based optimization of the osteotomies enables achieving symmetrical results reliably.

More about IPS inSilico® x RPE

Preoperative planning with simulation reliably delivers symmetrical results in surgically assisted palatal expansion

IPS inSilico® x RPE

Indications and features

Conventional palatal expansion procedures frequently do not provide a symmetrical result with certainty and are often associated with considerable trauma for the patient. In cooperation with Simq, we have developed a procedure which ensures symmetry at the occlusal as well as the esthetic level and minimizes trauma. The IPS inSilico® x RPE design tool provides assistance in the selection of incision guides for forced palatal expansion.

IPS inSilico® x RPE


With IPS inSilico® x RPE, surgically assisted palatal expansion is simulated and optimized individually for each patient and documented via the IPS Gate® platform.

  • Optimal incision guide through patient-specific simulation
  • Occlusal and esthetic symmetry
  • Minimized trauma for the patient
  • Preservation of the bone joint
  • Three-dimensional anatomical representation for patient counseling

Solution approach and implementation of IPS inSilico® x RPE

IPS inSilico® x RPE

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Chhatwani S., K. Schudlich, S. C. Möhlhenrich, A. Pugachev, A. Bicsak, B. Ludwig, S. Hassfeld, G. Danesh, and L. Bonitz. 2021. Evaluation of symmetry behavior of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion with simulation-driven targeted bone weakening. Clinical Oral Investigations.

Bonitz L., A. Volf, S. Hassfeld, A. Pugachev, B. Ludwig, S. Chhatwani, and A. Bicsák. 2022. Patient-specific pre-operative simulation of the surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion using finite element method and Latin hypercube sampling: workflow and first clinical results. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 25.

IPS inSilico® x VIT

IPS inSilico® x VIT

IPS inSilico® x VIT is a software for the digital verification of patient-specific implants. By simulating physiological or standardized exposures to a patient-specific situation, we can quickly and efficiently verify the performance and safety of your IPS® implant.


More about IPS inSilico® x VIT

Virtual implant check for the digital verification of patient-specific implants

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IPS inSilico® x VIT

Function and features

Standard implants follow a standardized, tested and documented approval procedure. The challenge facing patient-specific implants is to meet all regulatory requirements on the one hand and on the other hand, together with you, to design, test, manufacture and provide you with a suitable implant for the restoration in the shortest possible time. The IPS inSilico® x VIT design tool provides assistance in verifying the strength and safety of patient-specific implants.

IPS inSilico® x VIT


With IPS inSilico® x VIT, we can incorporate safety-relevant information into the design and, with just a few clicks, compare it against physically tested implant variants. By doing so, we accomplish the balancing act between complying with regulatory requirements and providing your patients with the fastest possible care.

  • Support for decision making in the design process
  • Representation of the loads and forces acting on the individual implant restoration
  • Identifying weaknesses in the implant design
  • Option to review specific clinical requirements for the implant design

Already implemented anatomical regions

IPS inSilico® x VIT

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De Zee, M., M. Dalstra, PM. Cattaneo, J. Rasmussen, P. Svensson, and B. Melsena. 2007. Validation of a musculo-skeletal model of the mandible and its application to mandibular distraction osteogenesis. Journal of Biomechanics 40 (6).

Ignasiaka D., S. Dendorfer, and SJ.Ferguson. 2016. Thoracolumbar spine model with articulated ribcage for the prediction of dynamic spinal loading. Journal of Biomechanics 49 (6).

Terms and Definitions

What is a digital twin?

The so-called digital twin is an exciting new technology trend that could revolutionize healthcare. In simple terms, a digital twin is the digital replica of a physical object.

In healthcare, a digital twin relating to a patient can be defined as one or more computational models which are a dynamic digital representation of a real biological target ("artifact") or aspect of a person's physical condition.

What does in silico mean?

In silico describes the change in medicine and is regarded as the next stage of evolution: from in vivo, experiments in the human body, to in vitro, in the test tube, and now in silico - where experiments are conducted in silicon, i.e. on the computer.

Medical software

The term medical software refers to software solutions applied in the field of medicine. In medical software, one differentiates between embedded software and stand-alone software.

Embedded software is an integral part of an existing medical device. Stand-alone software is a medical device in its own right. A third option is the software as an accessory of a medical device.

Medical simulation

When using the term medical simulation we mean the simulation of complex biomechanical and physiological processes with the aim of supporting medical interventions.

Finite Element Method (FEM)

The finite element method is a numerical method that is applied to a solving a wide range of physical problems. In this method, complex geometries are broken down into many small geometries which are easy to calculate. These geometries are then calculated and linked together. FEM can, for example, be used to calculate and simulate various characteristics such as deformations.

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