xRS Visualizor

Individual Patient Solutions

xRS Visualizor

Experience Precision: The Future of IPS® Case Visualization

Imagine a world where every detail of a patient's anatomy surrounds you in a fully immersive 3D environment. xRS Visualizor offers new and unparalleled visualization of your IPS® cases, allowing you to explore complex anatomic situations and IPS® case design in an interactive setting. 

Move beyond traditional methods and embrace the future of surgical planning:
xRS Visualizor streamlines your workflow and improves efficiency. 

Experience enhanced precision and confidence in your surgical planning process.
Step into the world of xRS Visualizor.  

Key points

xRS Visualizor

Immersive visualization

Experience your patient’s anatomy in an immersive 3D environment, going beyond traditional methods. 


Enhanced precision

Assess your case planning with new accuracy, leading to better surgical visualization.  


Efficiency and confidence

Step into a 3D world, visualize your IPS® case design and boost confidence with real-time immersive interaction.  

Transform your IPS® case with
xRS Visualizor

Access your IPS® case via IPS Gate®

1. Access your IPS® case via IPS Gate®

Go to IPS Gate® and open your desired IPS® case.


2. Set up your HoloLens device

Boot your HoloLens headset and open the xRS Visualizor app.


3. Login via QR code

Login to xRS Visualizor with your credentials or scan the QR code on the screen to access your IPS® case.


4. Step into an immersive 3D visualization

Explore complex cases in a fully immersive environment, enhancing understanding and precision.

The easy way to your IPS Implants®

Discover more

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