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The development of the first KLS Martin laser systems dates back to the early nineties.

Today, we are a recognized partner in the field of laser surgery, with KLS Martin lasers representing an indispensable part of any advanced operating room.



Our product range comprises powerful diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers, CO2 lasers and diode lasers.

Surgical Laser Systems - NdYAG Laser Limax

Diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser Limax®

Thanks to its specific wavelength of 1,320 nm and the ideal coefficient of absorption in water and hemoglobin associated with it, the Limax® offers you an optimal combination of resection, coagulation and tissue sealing capabilities.

Find out more

Our diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers Limax®

Surgical Laser Systems - CO2 laser MCO plus

CO₂ laser MCO plus

With the MCO 25plus/MCO 50plus CO₂ lasers, we offer you laser technology at its best. Thanks to their easy-to-understand operating philosophy, excellent optical characteristics and comprehensive, innovative accessories, these CO₂ lasers can be used in many fields and for a great variety of indications.

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Our CO₂ lasers MCO plus

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