Expert Meeting on Laser Application in Thoracic Surgery – open Approach and VATS


Expert Meeting on Laser Application in Thoracic Surgery – open Approach and VATS

16th Annual Expert Meeting

Date | November 20-21, 2024

Venue | IRCAD Strasbourg, France

Course concept

Welcome to the Expert Meeting on Laser Application in Thoracic Surgery – open Approach and VATS!

Are you a thoracic surgeon interested in laser technology and wish to learn more about an innovative and cost-effective technique for resectioning metastases? Then our expert meeting on laser application in thoracic surgery – open approach and VATS is the right course for you!

What can you expect from our Expert Meeting?

Optimal patient treatment deserves optimal technical equipment. This statement is especially true in patients with lung metastases. In every one of these patients, we encounter a different situation. The various situations range from simple wedge resections to complex resections in cases of multiple metastases or metastases in the vicinity of the lung's central vascular and bronchial structures. By introducing a new generation of surgical laser systems with a wavelength of 1,320 nm, we now have an optimal instrument that allows dissecting the lung parenchyma in a superior approach.

Furthermore, this laser is also applicable for endotracheal and endobronchial problems. It is an effective tool that is suited for numerous clinical applications.

Our workshop aims to demonstrate the usefulness of laser technology for pulmonary diseases. In the first part, we will have an introduction to laser technology and the different aspects of pulmonary metastasectomy. In the second part, all participants will have the opportunity to work in the wet-lab with laser equipment.


Participation fee

1 day | 750 €

The course fee of 750 € per person (including VAT) includes a get-together and round table discussion, lectures, video presentation, practical exercises in the wet-lab, certification, catering during the course and hotel accommodation with breakfast from November 20 to 21, 2024 (1 night). Attendance is limited. Applicants are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Travel costs to and from the course are not included in the course fee and have to be covered by the participants.

Accomodation (included)

Hôtel Cour du Corbeau
6-8 Rue des Couples
67000 Strasbourg

Course language


Course venue

1, Place de l’Hôpital
Hôpitaux Universitaires
67091 Strasbourg/France

During the course, you can be contacted:
Phone: +33 (0) 3 88 11 90 00


KLS Martin SE & Co. KG  
A company of the KLS Martin Group  
KLS Martin Platz 1
78532 Tuttlingen  


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

  • 7.00 p.m. - Get-together and round table discussion

Thursday, November 21, 2024

  • 08:30 a.m. - Word of welcome / introduction by Prof. Dr. med. Graeter and Uwe Ott

  • 08:45 a.m. - Technical basics of medical laser systems, optical fibers, and applicators by Prof. Dr. Sroka

  • 09:15 a.m. - Safety rules and practical advice for using the laser in the OR by Prof. Dr. Sroka

  • 10:15 a.m. - Coffee break with snacks

  • 10:40 a.m. - Technological innovations improving pulmonary laser resections by Uwe Ott

  • 11:00 a.m. - Pulmonary laser resections: technical aspects in open surgery and VATS by Prof. Dr. med. Passlick

  • 11:45 a.m. - Indications and results of pulmonary metastasectomy for different primary tumors by Prof. Dr. med. Graeter

  • 12:30 p.m. - Evaluation of the resection area after laser use and local recurrence development by PD Dr. med. Welter

  • 01:00 p.m. - Endotracheal and endobronchial laser application by P. Tcherveniakov

  • 01:30 p.m. - Lunch

  • 02:15 p.m. - Demonstration of laser system, resection of lung metastases in the wet-lab

  • 04:15 p.m. - Round table discussion and hand-over of certificates

  • 04:45 p.m. - End

Our experts

Chairmen and faculty

Prof. Dr. med. B. Passlick

Chairman and scientific director

University Medical Center Freiburg


Prof. Dr. med. T. Graeter


SLK-Fachklinik Löwenstein


PD Dr. med. S. Welter


Lungenklinik Hemer


Prof. Dr. R. Sroka


Klinikum der Universität München


P. Tcherveniakov


Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust


Uwe Ott


Division Energy Devices

KLS Martin Group



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Cancellation by the course organizer

The course organizer reserves the right to cancel an event due to low enrollment or other circumstances. Registration fees will be fully refunded to participants.

Registration cancellation by the participant

We only accept written cancellations, which must be received six week before the start of the training. When writing your cancellation, please include the details about your person and your billing address. Please write your cancellation to Cancellations are possible up to six weeks before the start of the course, but a handling fee of 50,-€ will be charged. Subsequently, the course fee is not refundable.

General terms and conditions

Participants will be considered in the order of receipt of their written registration. Only registrations with complete information after receipt of payment can be considered. Cancellations are possible up to six weeks before the start of the course, but a handling fee of 50,-€ will be charged. Subsequently, the course fee is not refundable.

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