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Implant Knowledge CMF

Sign-up now! 

On-site event only! We are looking forward to meeting you all!

Training in CMF surgery for dedicated distributors
and KLS Martin employees

Module 1: CMF principles
June 30 – July 2, 2025                                           

Module 2: Experts in dialog
July 3 – 4, 2025

Our annual "Implant knowledge" is back. We are pleased to welcome you in our KLS Martin WORLD visitor center once again! 

Surgical assistance, trade fair participation and successful product presentations are important success factors in your daily work. Especially the implant systems, competent advice, and professional support all the way to the operating theater is essential. This can only be guaranteed if appropriate training is offered and used. Under the theme "Implant Knowledge", we offer you an exciting and interactive modular training concept that helps you master the daily challenges of your work. 


“Implant knowledge – CMF principles” is a 3-day training concept with lectures, workshops, and a follow-up discussion. The presentations and workshops will be held by trained professionals of the KLS Martin Group. Each day covers up a different CMF topic. Of course, the main focus is on our products and their features and functions. The training is however also intended to provide anatomical basics and to discuss the established therapeutic concepts in a general way.

“Implant knowledge - Experts in dialog” is a 2-day training in addition to the CMF principles concept. It is intended for more experienced participants, who want to expand their knowledge about CMF. The primary focus is on the presentation of new products and exchanging professional experience.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions via the following mail address: ik.cmf@klsmartin.com

Meeting language is English.

Deadline for registration is 28 May 2025.


Module 1: CMF principles

Module 2: Experts in dialog

Register now

Registration Implant Knowledge CMF

Registration Implant Knowledge CMF
Hotel and flight details

We recommend the following hotels in Tuttlingen of which we reserved a contingent for the training from 8-12th July 2024 (must be paid by yourself):

- Hotel Légère Tuttlingen
- Légère Express (former Charly's House)
- Hotel Stadt Tuttlingen

All prices per night incl. breakfast and transfer to KLS Martin in Tuttlingen
Please note that providing your flight details is mandatory, if you have chosen the option "Please book a pick-up service (must be paid by yourself)".
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